Here is a partial list of some of the business building and marketing concepts we are working on. All have components to provide insights into customers, data analytics and market intelligence far beyond direct marketing to lists, basic demographics and splash advertising.
FirstFlicks - A frequent movie goer affinity club with reverse market intelligence.
EverythingInEnergy - NanoCoGen - CoGenUSA - UniversalCoGen - Low cost domain registration and web services.
MyRewardsMyWay - MyRewardsNow - AboveAndBeyondRewards
GroceryLogic - Grocery shopping beyond buying lists and discounts.
BackChannelResources - RealTimeIntel
WorldGolfClassic - UtlimateGolfEvent - ZapGoGolf - LegendsGolfTour
GolfWings - Golf and Travel club with partner controlled last minute discounting.
WinWinHealthCare - ThisIsHealthy - ScoreWithHealth - ReportHealth
WarehouseRun - WinToRun - RunThroughTheStore - Merchandise incentive programs.
FanSavvy - StadiumRewards - RewardsSavvy - FanClubRewards
WinnersCircleEvents - EscapeIdeas - AboveAndBeyondRewards
OrbitSociety - OrbitExpo - FlyOuterSpace - AstronautExpo
OwnCanalFront - Townhouse4U - CanalFrontHousing - NewHomeownerUSA
RaceReadyGirl - RaceRated - OffRoadRated
RewardsLogic - Customized American Express Gift Cards and associated program support, adminstration and communications.